
Alerts are used to attract user's attention for important information without interrupting the user's flow

Example of Simple Alert Bar

Please click on 'I agree' to continue
Incorrect Password. Try again
Login error
Successfully uploaded

Simply copy the below HTML according to your desired style

      <div class="alert alert-info">Please click on 'I agree' to continue </div>

      <div class="alert alert-warning">Incorrect Password. Try again</div>
      <div class="alert alert-error">Login error</div>
      <div class="alert alert-success">Successfully uploaded</div>

Example of Alert Bar with Icon

Please click on 'I agree' to proceed
Incorrect Password. Try again
Login error
Successfully uploaded

Simply copy the below HTML according to your desired style

      <div class="demo-container demo-alert">
      <div class="alert alert-info">
      <ion-icon name="information-circle-outline" class="alert-icon"></ion-icon>
      Please click on 'I agree' to proceed

      <div class="alert alert-warning">
      <ion-icon name="warning-outline" class="alert-icon"></ion-icon></i>
      Incorrect Password. Try again

      <div class="alert alert-error">
      <ion-icon name="bug-outline" class="alert-icon"></ion-icon>
      Login error

      <div class="alert alert-success">
      <ion-icon name="checkmark-circle-outline" class="alert-icon"></ion-icon>
      Successfully uploaded


Example of Alert Bar with Icon and Dismiss

Please click on 'I agree' to proceed
Incorrect Password. Try again
Login error
Successfully uploaded

Simply copy the below HTML according to your desired style

      <div class="alert alert-info">
      <ion-icon name="information-circle-outline" class="alert-icon"></ion-icon>
      <span>Please click on 'I agree' to proceed</span>
      <button class="close-btn" type="button">
      <ion-icon name="close-outline" class="close-btn-icon"></ion-icon>

      <div class="alert alert-warning">
      <ion-icon name="warning-outline" class="alert-icon"></ion-icon></i>
      Incorrect Password. Try again
      <button class="close-btn" type="button">
      <ion-icon name="close-outline" class="close-btn-icon"></ion-icon>

      <div class="alert alert-error">
      <ion-icon name="bug-outline" class="alert-icon"></ion-icon>              
      Login error
      <button class="close-btn" type="button">
      <ion-icon name="close-outline" class="close-btn-icon"></ion-icon>

      <div class="alert alert-success">
      <ion-icon name="checkmark-circle-outline" class="alert-icon"></ion-icon>
      Successfully uploaded
      <button class="close-btn" type="button">
      <ion-icon name="close-outline" class="close-btn-icon"></ion-icon>

Demo of Alert with Close Button

Successfully uploaded

To create a dismissable alert, simply pick your alert style and wrap it in the alert container like below. Don't forget to include the script!

      <div class = "alert-container hide-display">
      <div class="alert alert-success">
      <ion-icon name="checkmark-circle-outline" class="alert-icon"></ion-icon>
      Successfully uploaded
      <button class="close-btn" id="alert-close-btn" type="button">
        <ion-icon name="close-outline" class="close-btn-icon"></ion-icon>
      <button class="alert-display-btn" id = "alert-display-btn">Demo</button>

      const closeButton = document.querySelector("#alert-close-btn");
      const alertContainer = document.querySelector(".alert-container");
      const alertDisplayButton = document.querySelector("#alert-display-btn");

      alertDisplayButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
      closeButton.addEventListener("click", () => {


Avatars are images used for profile pictures. They could be your own photo, your pet or anything that represents you best

Round Avatar

black and white image of a young man
black and white image of a young man
black and white image of a young man
black and white image of a young man
black and white image of a young man

There are 5 different sizes available for round avatars: xs, s, m, l, xl. Simply copy the below html and choose the size per your requirement

        <div class="avatar-s">
            class="img-responsive avatar-round"
            alt="black and white image of a young man"

Square Avatar

smiling woman
smiling woman
smiling woman
smiling woman
smiling woman

There are 5 different sizes available for square avatars: xs, s, m, l, xl. Simply copy the below html and choose the size per your requirement

        <div class="avatar-s">
            class="img-responsive avatar-square"
            alt="smiling woman"

Text Avatar


There are 5 different sizes available for text avatars: xs, s, m, l, xl. Simply copy the below html and choose the size per your requirement

          <div class="avatar-round avatar-text avatar-m">SK</div>


Badges can be used as status indicators, display notifications or highlight any textual information

Status Badge on Avatar

black and white image of a young man
black and white image of a young man
black and white image of a young man
black and white image of a young man
black and white image of a young man

There are 4 different status badges available: online, offline, busy, away. Simply copy the below html and choose the status per your requirement

      <div class="avatar-xl badge-container">
          class="img-responsive avatar-round"
          alt="black and white image of a young man"
          class="status-badge status-badge_xl status-badge_offline"

Notification Badge on Icons

Simply copy the below html to style your notification badges

      <button class="notif-btn" type="button">
        <ion-icon class="notif-icon" name="cart-outline"></ion-icon>
        <span class="notif-badge">2</span>

Text Badge

Release v1.1.2


Release v1.1.2


Release v1.1.2


There are 2 sizes available for solid text badges, and 2 styles - solid, outline. Simply copy the below html and choose the style/size per your requirement

      <div class="badge-container">
        <p class="para">Release v1.1.2</p>
        <span class="text-badge text-badge_l text-badge_solid">New</span>


Buttons are webpage-elements which encourage the user to take specific actions. Primary buttons also serve as Call-To-Action(CTA) buttons

Button Styles

Simply pick your style of button from the code below

      <button class="btn btn-medium btn-primary">Primary Button</button>
      <button class="btn btn-medium btn-secondary">Secondary Button</button>
      <button class="btn btn-medium btn-link"><a href="#">Link Button</a></button>
      <button class="icon-btn">
        <a href="#"><ion-icon class="btn-icon" name="cart-outline"></ion-icon></a>

      <button class="btn btn-primary btn-primary-with-icon">
        <ion-icon class="btn-icon" name="cart"></ion-icon>
        Button with Icon

Button Sizes

Each button style comes in 3 sizes - small, medium, large

        <button class="btn btn-small btn-primary">Primary Button</button>
        <button class="btn btn-medium btn-primary">Primary Button</button>
        <button class="btn btn-large btn-primary">Primary Button</button>

Floating Buttons

For a floating icon button, choose your icon and apply to the HTML below

      <button class="btn btn-floating">
        <a href="#"><ion-icon class="btn-icon" name="arrow-up-outline"></ion-icon></a>


Cards club related information together and are primarily used to display products on a webpage

Vertical Card

There are three vertical cards: simple, card with badge and card with badge+dismiss
woman in red dress

Floral Red Dress

$24.99 $28.99

woman in red dress

Floral Red Dress

$24.99 $28.99

woman in red dress

Floral Red Dress

$24.99 $28.99


Simply copy the below html to create a vertical card with badge and dismiss

        <div class="card-vertical">
        <div class="card-image-container">
            class="card-image img-responsive"
            alt="woman in red dress"
        <div class="card-content">
          <h2 class="heading-xs">Floral Red Dress</h2>
          <p class="para-s"><strong>$24.99</strong> <del>$28.99</del></p>
          <div class="card-buttons">
            <button class="btn btn-primary btn-primary-with-icon">
              <ion-icon class="btn-icon" name="cart"></ion-icon>
              Add To Cart
            <button class="icon-btn">
              <a href="#"
            <button class="icon-btn">
              <a href="#"

Vertical Card with Overlay

woman in red dress

Floral Red Dress

$24.99 $28.99

Out of Stock

Simply copy the below html to create a vertical card with text overlay

          <div class="card-overlay">
      <div class="card-vertical">
        <div class="card-image-container">
            class="card-image img-responsive"
            alt="woman in red dress"
        <div class="card-content">
          <h2 class="heading-xs">Floral Red Dress</h2>
          <p class="para-s">
            <strong>$24.99</strong> <del>$28.99</del>
          <div class="card-buttons">
            <button class="btn btn-primary btn-primary-with-icon">
              <ion-icon class="btn-icon" name="cart"></ion-icon>
              Add To Cart
            <button class="icon-btn">
              <a href="#"
            <button class="icon-btn">
              <a href="#"
        <div class="card-overlay-text">Out of Stock</div>

Horizontal Card

There are two kinds horizontal cards: simple, and horizontal card with badge
woman in red dress
Floral Red Dress
Red midi dress in chiffon with floral pattern
Sold by: kustomfit

$24.99 $28.99

woman in red dress
Floral Red Dress
Red midi dress in chiffon with floral pattern
Sold by: kustomfit

$24.99 $28.99


Simply copy the below html to create a horizontal card with badge

          <div class="card-horizontal">
          <div class="left-aligned-image-container">
              class="card-image img-responsive"
              alt="woman in red dress"
          <div class="card-content">
            <div class="heading-xs">Floral Red Dress</div>
            <div class="para-s">
              Red midi dress in chiffon with floral pattern
            <div class="para-xs">Sold by: kustomfit</div>

            <p class="para-s"><strong>$24.99</strong> <del>$28.99</del></p>
            <div class="card-buttons">
              <button class="btn btn-primary btn-primary-with-icon">
                <ion-icon class="btn-icon" name="cart"></ion-icon>
                Add To Cart
              <button class="btn btn-secondary">Move to WishList</button>
              <button class="icon-btn">
                <a href="#"
            <div class="text-badge card-badge">NEW</div>


Grids help in designing visually and functionally aesthetic webpage layouts whih guide the user's attention as desired. This library provides four simple and responsive grid layouts to get your webpage up and running in no time

50-50 Grid Layout

Main Heading

Insert Content Here

cappucino in white cup

Simply copy the below html to use this layout

        <div class="grid-50-50">
          <h1 class="heading-l">Main Heading</h1>
          <p class="para">Insert Content Here</p>
        <div class="grid-img-container">
            alt="cappucino in white cup"

60-40 Grid Layout

cappucino in white cup

Main Heading

Insert Content Here

Simply copy the below html to use this layout

        <div class="grid-60-40">
            <h1 class="heading-l">Main Heading</h1>
            <p class="para">Insert Content Here</p>
          <div class="grid-img-container">
              alt="cappucino in white cup"

70-30 Grid Layout

Main Heading

Insert Content Here

cappucino in white cup

Simply copy the below html to use this layout

      <div class="grid-70-30">
        <h1 class="heading-l">Main Heading</h1>
        <p class="para">Insert Content Here</p>
      <div class="grid-img-container">
          alt="cappucino in white cup"

30-70 Grid Layout

cappucino in white cup

Main Heading

Insert Content Here

Simply copy the below html to use this layout

        <div class="grid-30-70">
          <h1 class="heading-l">Main Heading</h1>
          <p class="para">Insert Content Here</p>
        <div class="grid-img-container">
            alt="cappucino in white cup"


Images are the backbone of any good website. Choose from responsive, round and square styles to add images to your webpages.

Responsive Image

hands on piano

Simply copy the below html to apply a responsive image which will fill up its parent container

      <div class="responsive-image">
          alt="hands on piano"

Round Image

smiling woman

Simply copy the below html to use the round image. For best results, use images with same height and width

      <div class="responsive-image">
        class="img-responsive img-round"
        alt="smiling woman"

Square Image

smiling woman

Simply copy the below html to use the square image

      <div class="responsive-image">
        class="img-responsive img-square"
        alt="smiling woman"


Input Forms are used to gather user details and/or feedback. The below form contains validation checks for incorrect user inputs

Responsive Input Form with Validation

Create Account

Error message

Error message

Error message

Error message

Simply Copy and below HTML code and don't forget to include the inputs script which is part of the library source code

      <div class="form-container">
      <div class="form-header">
        <h2 class="heading-xs">Create Account</h2>
      <form class="form" id="form">
        <div class="form-control">
          <input type="text" placeholder="Username" id="username" />
            class="form-icon form-icon-success"
            class="form-icon form-icon-error"
          <p class="form-message">Error message</p>

        <div class="form-control">
          <input type="email" placeholder="Email" id="email" />
            class="form-icon form-icon-success"
            class="form-icon form-icon-error"
          <p class="form-message">Error message</p>

        <div class="form-control">
          <input type="password" placeholder="Password" id="password" />
            class="form-icon form-icon-success"
            class="form-icon form-icon-error"
          <p class="form-message">Error message</p>

        <div class="form-control">
          <label>Confirm Password</label>
            placeholder="Confirm password"
            class="form-icon form-icon-success"
            class="form-icon form-icon-error"
          <p class="form-message">Error message</p>

        <button class="form-button">Submit</button>


Lists help display related information together, ordered or unordered

Unordered List styles

  • Todo Item-1
  • Todo Item-2
  • Todo Item-3
  • Todo Item-1
  • Todo Item-2
  • Todo Item-3
  • Todo Item-1
  • Todo Item-2
  • Todo Item-3

Simply copy the below HTML according to your desired list style

        <div class="demo-list">
        <ul class="unordered-list list-style-bullet">
          <li>Todo Item-1</li>
          <li>Todo Item-2</li>
          <li>Todo Item-3</li>

      <div class="demo-list list-style-square">
        <ul class="unordered-list list-style-square">
          <li>Todo Item-1</li>
          <li>Todo Item-2</li>
          <li>Todo Item-3</li>

      <div class="demo-list list-style-disc">
        <ul class="unordered-list list-style-disc">
          <li>Todo Item-1</li>
          <li>Todo Item-2</li>
          <li>Todo Item-3</li>

Ordered List styles

  1. First, mix all the dry ingredients
  2. Then, add the wet ingredients
  3. Finally, bake the cake
  1. First, mix all the dry ingredients
  2. Then, add the wet ingredients
  3. Finally, bake the cake
  1. First, mix all the dry ingredients
  2. Then, add the wet ingredients
  3. Finally, bake the cake

Simply copy the below HTML according to your desired ordered list style

      <div class="demo-list">
      <ol class="ordered-list list-style-alphabet">
        <li>First, mix all the dry ingredients</li>
        <li>Then, add the wet ingredients</li>
        <li>Finally, bake the cake</li>

    <div class="demo-list">
      <ol class="ordered-list list-style-number">
        <li>First, mix all the dry ingredients</li>
        <li>Then, add the wet ingredients</li>
        <li>Finally, bake the cake</li>

    <div class="demo-list list-style-roman-number">
      <ol class="ordered-list list-style-roman-number">
        <li>First, mix all the dry ingredients</li>
        <li>Then, add the wet ingredients</li>
        <li>Finally, bake the cake</li>

Inline List styles

  • Home
  • Login
  • Contact

Simply copy the below HTML to get inline list

      <div class="demo-list">
      <ul class="list-inline">

Stacked Lists

  • smiling woman
    Read this article by Susan Doe
  • smiling woman
    Read this article by Susan Doe

Simply copy the below HTML if you like the stacked list style

      <div class="demo-list">
      <ul class="list-stacked">
          <div class="avatar-s">
              class="img-responsive avatar-square"
              alt="smiling woman"
          <div>Read this article by Susan Doe</div>
          <div class="avatar-s">
              class="img-responsive avatar-square"
              alt="smiling woman"
          <div>Read this article by Susan Doe</div>


Ratings are an interactive way to gather feedback from the user regarding a product or service

Standard 5-star rating

Simply add the below HTML to get a flexible rating system

      <div class="stars-rating">
        <a class="rating">⭐</a>
        <a class="rating">⭐</a>
        <a class="rating">⭐</a>
        <a class="rating">⭐</a>
        <a class="rating">⭐</a>

The script below allows you to record the rating the user provided

      const ratingStars = document.querySelectorAll(".rating");
      const rating = document.querySelector(".stars-rating");
      ratingStars.forEach((star, index) => {
        star.addEventListener("click", () => {
          let clickedIndex = index;
          console.log(`User gave ${clickedIndex + 1} rating`);
          ratingStars.forEach((otherStar, otherIndex) => {
            if (otherIndex <= clickedIndex) {


Typography helps give appropriate emphasis to your website elements and builds the written content on your website. Choose from the below styles to give your website a polished look!

Sample Styles

This is an Extra Large Heading
This is a Large Heading
This is a Medium Heading
This is a Small Heading
This is an Extra Small Heading
This is a paragraph
This is a small paragraph

Simply copy the below html and choose the style/size per your requirement

        <div class="heading-xl">This is an Extra Large Heading</div>
        <div class="heading-l">This is a Large Heading</div>
        <div class="heading-m">This is a Medium Heading</div>
        <div class="heading-s">This is a Small Heading</div>
        <div class="heading-xs">This is an Extra Small Heading</div>
        <div class="para">This is a paragraph</div>
        <div class="para-s">This is a small paragraph</div>
This is grey text

Simply copy the below html and choose the style/size per your requirement

        <div class="heading-s grey-text">This is grey text</div>
This is centered text

Simply copy the below html and choose the style/size per your requirement

        <div class="heading-s centered-text">This is centered text</div>


Toast help display time-sensitive, real-time updates to users

Example of Simple Toast

Please click on 'I agree' to continue
Incorrect Password. Try again
Login error
Successfully uploaded

Simply copy the below HTML according to your desired style

      <div class="toast toast-info">Please click on 'I agree' to continue</div>
      <div class="toast toast-warning">Incorrect Password. Try again</div>
      <div class="toast toast-error">Login error</div>
      <div class="toast toast-success">Successfully uploaded</div>

Example of Toast with Icon

Please click on 'I agree' to proceed
Incorrect Password. Try again
Login error
Successfully uploaded

Simply copy the below HTML according to your desired style

        <div class="toast toast-info">
          <ion-icon name="information-circle-outline" class="toast-icon"></ion-icon>
          Please click on 'I agree' to proceed

        <div class="toast toast-warning">
          <ion-icon name="warning-outline" class="toast-icon"></ion-icon></i>
          Incorrect Password. Try again

        <div class="toast toast-error">
          <ion-icon name="bug-outline" class="toast-icon"></ion-icon>
          Login error

        <div class="toast toast-success">
          <ion-icon name="checkmark-circle-outline" class="toast-icon"></ion-icon>
          Successfully uploaded

Example of Toast Bar with Icon and Dismiss

Please click on 'I agree' to proceed
Incorrect Password. Try again
Login error
Successfully uploaded

Simply copy the below HTML according to your desired style

        <div class="toast toast-info">
          <ion-icon name="information-circle-outline" class="toast-icon"></ion-icon>
          <span>Please click on 'I agree' to proceed</span>
          <button class="toast-close-btn" type="button">
            <ion-icon name="close-outline" class="toast-close-btn-icon"></ion-icon>

      <div class="toast toast-warning">
        <ion-icon name="warning-outline" class="toast-icon"></ion-icon></i>
        Incorrect Password. Try again
        <button class="toast-close-btn" type="button">
          <ion-icon name="close-outline" class="toast-close-btn-icon"></ion-icon>

      <div class="toast toast-error">
        <ion-icon name="bug-outline" class="toast-icon"></ion-icon>              
        Login error
        <button class="toast-close-btn" type="button">
          <ion-icon name="close-outline" class="toast-close-btn-icon"></ion-icon>

      <div class="toast toast-success">
        <ion-icon name="checkmark-circle-outline" class="toast-icon"></ion-icon>
        Successfully uploaded
        <button class="toast-close-btn" type="button">
          <ion-icon name="close-outline" class="toast-close-btn-icon"></ion-icon>

Demo of toast with Close Button

Successfully uploaded

To create a dismissable toast, simply pick your toast style and wrap it in the toast container like below. Don't forget to include the script!

      <div class = "toast-container hide-display">
        <div class="toast toast-success">
          <ion-icon name="checkmark-circle-outline" class="toast-icon"></ion-icon>
          Successfully uploaded
          <button class="toast-close-btn" id="toast-close-btn" type="button">
            <ion-icon name="close-outline" class="toast-close-btn-icon"></ion-icon>
        <button class="toast-display-btn" id = "toast-display-btn">Demo</button>
      const closeButton = document.querySelector("#toast-close-btn");
      const toastContainer = document.querySelector(".toast-container");
      const toastDisplayButton = document.querySelector("#toast-display-btn");

      toastDisplayButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
      toastCloseButton.addEventListener("click", () => {